Vlisco 170 Years

Animation Film

Vlisco 170 Years Anniversary

Client: Vlisco - For Circus Family

The Sintersizer is a music machine that is six meters high by four meters wide and is built completely out of toys and products from Hema. The Sintersizer was on display and in use at HEMA’s flagship store in the heart of Amsterdam for a month leading up to the celebration. 

Kids can create their own beats using custom created loops and select samples from famous Dutch Sinterklaas songs. From musical teacups to wooden flutes the size of a door, almost everything on the Sintersizer makes a sound. Large cookie-buttons set off different samples, wooden puzzles can be moved to add beats and a giant toy piano doubles as a sequencer. 

The installation was built up twice, once for the shooting of the commercial in a studio and the second time for a month in the Hema flagship store in Amsterdam. 

My role as lead creative was to design and build this installation. Started as a scribble on a small piece of paper this evolved in a fully scale model of the installation in 3D. I scouted all the products in the installation and used them for my design work. I also designed and animated all the lighting elements used in the installation. 


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