Raum Harmony

Public Art Installation

Raum Harmony

Client: Raum - For Circus Family

During the height of the covid19 epidemic in the Netherlands, Stichting Raum organised the exposition “living apart together”  

We’ve created an outdoor interactive installation where the audience can interact with while staying within the boundaries of keeping distance of each other. 

By emitting coloured gradients when people walk through this installation, we try to make people forget about all the troubles and just focus on the light being emitted. To further enhance their senses, we made an accompanying soundtrack triggered per Collum. 

To further enhance the accessibility in the COVID pandemic, an online version of the installation was created. These online and physical versions communicated in real-time: interacting online would mean a response in physical world. Al visible via a real-time livestream. 

My role as a creative lead was to create and design the general shapes of the installation, design the web environment and build the shapes. 

Below is a small selection of the behind the scenes of the development process. 


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