Spa 'The Rain Project'

Tv Commercial

Ode To The Never Ending Source of Spa

Client: J Walter Thompson / Spa Water Netherlands - For Circus Family

As ode to the never-ending source of Spa mineral water. The Rain Project. A short film in which drops of rain turn into sound, light and projections, projected onto the nature in the area of Spa, Belgium. 

Rain detection sensors were placed throughout the forest. As soon as raindrops touched the surface of the sensors, projections, light effects and sound were triggered. The forest changes into a fairy-tale like scene that emphasises the direct relation between the rain drops and actual Spa mineral water. 

The idea behind the film is that Spa’s natural mineral water originates from the pristine nature surrounding the Belgian town of Spa in the heart of the Ardennes. Here, soil and nature work together to transform every drop of rain, taking it on an underground journey before it becomes Spa mineral water. 

My role in this project was as a lead creative and lead animator. I designed the animations which then would be projected on the different surfaces. I created the style frames and help choose the right locations. 

On site I was leading the animation and projection team in creating the visuals live. 

For the final theatre and online versions i created all the titles and transitions. 

See the finished commercial and behind the scene’s images below 


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